THERE ARE NO OFFICE HOURS THIS WEEK Due to Thanksgiving Vacation
November 24, 2020
Join us this Sabbath, November 28! CHURCH WILL BE OPEN!!
Our capacity is still 167 even with the new guidelines.
We can continue to worship together as we have been.
SERVICE OPTIONS are still as follows…
First Worship Service at 9:00am Family Service at 10:00am in the Fellowship Hall
Second Worship Service at 11:15am
From Pastor RogerI’ve been doing some reading in the book, “Last Day Events.” It’s a compilation of EGW Quotes that were put together in 1992. The following quotes seem relevant to the all the issues we are facing:
This very class put forth the claim that the fast-spreading corruption is largely attributable to the desecration of the so-called “Christian sabbath” and that the enforcement of Sunday observance would greatly improve the morals of society. This claim is especially urged in America, where the doctrine of the true Sabbath has been most widely preached.—The Great Controversy, 587 (1911). White, E. G. (1992). Last Day Events (pp. 129–130). Pacific Press Publishing Association.
When Protestant churches shall unite with the secular power to sustain a false religion, for opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest persecution, then will the papal sabbath be enforced by the combined authority of church and state. There will be a national apostasy, which will end only in national ruin.—Evangelism, 235 (1899).
When the state shall use its power to enforce the decrees and sustain the institutions of the church—then will Protestant America have formed an image to the papacy, and there will be a national apostasy which will end only in national ruin.—The S.D.A. Bible Commentary 7:976 (1910).White, E. G. (1992). Last Day Events (p. 134). Pacific Press Publishing Association.
A question I have for you today is this: You are aware of the news about the election. You are aware of the news about the CORONOVIRUS. You are aware of what’s happening in your neighborhood. You may even know what’s happening on Netflix, YouTube or Facebook. Do you know what the Bible and Ellen White have to say about the end times?
Do you think you should? I am beginning to dig in deeper. Want to join me?
Finally, if you have not yet downloaded our smart phone app, you can do so here:
For Androids, you can download it here.
For Apple/iOS devices, you can download it here.
This app will help keep you better informed, provide an easy place to see the church calendar, listen to sermons, or even give online. Go ahead and download it today!
A Note from the Welcoming Ministry We are grateful for everyone’s patience as we transition to a new electronic registration platform. It will take us a bit of time to work on our efficiency so please bear with us.
Our Next “Going Deeper” Study with Pastor Ryan
NEW TOPIC: The Life You Always Wanted – Part 7 WHEN: Next Meeting will be Thursday, December 3, at 9:00am PST WHERE: Join on Zoom:
Join by clicking HERE
Meeting ID: 986 4838 0432
Password: 7777
Call in with your phone:
Follow steps below-
Call- (253)215-8782
Enter Meeting ID: 986 4838 0432#
Hit # to continue past next part
Enter Pass code: 7777#
You will be let in the meeting where you can participate.
Hit *6 to unmute your mic on your phone. (you may be muted again by the host, so be ready to unmute again if needed)
Any Questions- text Ryan at (423)827-9559
2021 Devotional Books Now Available to Order See images below for more information! Call or email the office to place your order.
(360) 696-2511 – or –
If you have a prayer request, email it to – please indicate if you want it to be private for our prayer group, or if you would like it included here in the weekly newsletter for the whole church to pray for you.
Church Finances
You can bring your offerings to the church, or mail them (address at bottom). You can also go to the Adventist Giving Site to give – click here. We’ve also added the ability to give via Venmoor Paypal by searching “@AdventistCC“. Finally, we have giving kiosks where you can give with all major credit cards, Apple Pay and Google Pay as well.
If you are already giving via the Adventist giving site, we want to encourage you to keep using that. Thank you for your support.
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