Monday, August 2, 2021 Life is best when lived with a community of believers – Get in a Community Group!
From Pastor Roger…
This last Sabbath, Pastor Tyler Long presented us with a message of a mission statement and ended with his mission statement, challenging us to write our own mission statement. Here’s what he presented.
Acts 11:24 (NIV): 24Â He was a good man, full of the Holy Spirit and faith, and a great number of people were brought to the Lord.
This was the focus on Baranabbas in the book of Acts. Tyler told us that is what he wants to be known for.
Years ago, I wrote my own personal mission statement as well. It can be summarized by this: “Lead others to Christ, through listening relationships.” This simply focuses on leading people to Jesus and how important relationships are in all of that mix.
Everything we do is focused on relationships. This is why our mission statement for the church is Reach Up in Worship(relationship to God),Reach Deep in Discipleship(relationship with others in Community Groups) and Reach Out in Evangelism(relationship with other people who don’t yet know Jesus).Â
I encourage you to do exactly what Tyler said, and spend some time with God and your Bible and see what you might be called to do as a personal mission.
There is lots going on this coming fall – here is a just a precursor
August 14 – Eric Flickinger and Afternoon Meal
September 10-11 – Neil Nedley
October 15 – Tyler Long begins his Prophecy Seminar here
October – Youth/Young Adult Evangelism to be held at Whipple Creek and Healing Hope Churches (Dates being decided).
STAY UP-TO-DATE with our CHURCH on our CHURCH APP – Get notifications, check the calendar, read the blog – so far 159 people have downloaded the app, we want to reach 200 by the end of August.Download it today!
Let us know how the LIVE STREAM is going, please. We have made some improvements to the system, increased our upload speed and we need to hear from you if it is improved on still struggling. Thanks for staying with us. Thanks for your support. The best place to watch it seems to be from our website rather than from Facebook.
As stated above, The Youth and Young Adults will be doing two evangelistic seminars this fall. One will be at the Whipple Creek Church and the other is at the Healing Hope Church, in Gresham. These will be happening at the same time as our seminar with Tyler Long. Please pray for our kids that the Holy Spirit will continue to inspire them and continue to lead them into His calling, His work and His mission.
The Office Is Open
but with irregular hoursPlease call 360-696-2511 or email: if you need office support to make sure someone is going to be there. Summer Walter is transitioning into the temporary office help for the time being. She will be at the church on Tuesdays after 2:00pm and other times as needed. She will be watching over the office email and the phone messages and working on projects for the pastors as well.
Second Reading: Maretta Kandoll as Church Clerk.(“This is the Second Reading. (The First Reading was distributed last Sabbath.) Following the distribution of this report, it is considered accepted.”)
Meadow Glade Adventist Elementary School is searching for an individual who loves working with children in our extended care program, KidZone, during the school week. This is a part-time position and is a split shift for morning and afternoon duties. Please send a resume and three references to Bette Wheeling, or contact the school at 360-687-5121 for a full job description. KidZone Assistant (Part-Time)Hours: Approximately 22 hours a week, Monday-Friday
Kid Zone Assistant will report to the Kid Zone Supervisor and will provide extended care and supervision for students attending MGAES before and after school. This position can be split between two people (a 1-hour AM shift Mon.-Fri., and a 3-hour PM shift Mon.-Thurs. and 2 hr shift on Fri. afternoon). Required: A current First Aid/CPR card and Driver’s License.
Iii the mean time, we will be covering the office with some temporary help.
Porn / Improper Sexuality Help
Neil Nedley Resources: Dr. Nedley proposeses a 90 day reboot for those who are struggling with porn or sex addiction as a means to streghten their frontal lobe and rebuild the pathways to the brain that bring healing. I have attached the link on youtube for you to watch.
Part 1Â
Part 2Â